Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Video Tutorial with Rob Anderlik

Check out Chicago based Musician and Teacher Rob A
nderlik's new Youtube tutorial of the classic Lindley tune 'Look so Good'.

Rob said about the tune "Look So Good was the very first song I ever heard on the Weissenborn and also the first song I learned to play on the instrument. My rendition is not a note for note version, but more of an attempt to capture the spirit of the tune."

You can download the tab for this tutorial at Robs website: http://www.robanderlik.com/

Rob is a long time slide maestro and shares his thoughts on his new Style 1 at 10.47.

Rob's Style 1 at the shop, shortly before heading out to its new home in Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. I know this may seem a silly question, but I was wondering how one might get into guitar building. Where would I begin if I wanted to build guitars? I do realize that your guitars exhibit a level of mastery that I probably may not be able to achieve, but I am dying to start building guitars.


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